Thursday, February 7, 2008

Throwing it all away

What if I just dump all these papers in the vacant lot across me, pack my bags and hop on the next plane to New Jersey (or San Diego if Jenx permits haha!)? Last day for thesis proposal defense is March 8. I have nothing concrete to speak of as I write this. Sigh. I plan to hole myself up at home for the next 3 weeks just to get this thing going. Double sigh. There's so much to do pa for school!

Share ko lang, natawa ako eh. I was told this afternoon that my ex (the last one) got the boot last week from his job for reasons unknown. Apparently they're not even telling his immediate superior what happened (I think he was out of the country then), basta lang he disappeared daw. But it's actually not surprising that this happened considering there was a sexual harrassment case APPARENTLY against him waaaaay back (months after we broke up) which I think just fizzled out, probably because his dad worked his magic. I wonder how long will it take for him to get another decent job like that? Anyway, funny lang that this guy's getting married in December and it looks like his dad got another mouth to feed by then Now I feel really blessed that things happened the way they did.

Ok back to work na ulit. Time is running out...

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