Monday, March 17, 2008

Across the Universe

I only listen to the Beatles when my dad insists to play their CD in the car. Maybe I really needed to see this musical to appreciate the timeless beauty of their songs. I've been downloading the whole soundtrack since last night and have been playing it over and over. I've been bugging my friends to see it. I can't get over it!

I realized how I'm so into musicals! Moulin Rouge became a favorite for the longest time, and the CD soundtrack found a permanent home in my player then. Anyway, I intend to watch Across the Universe a few times more. Not only did it blow me away with the tasteful arrangement of Beatles classics, the intense visuals also left me in awe. Uncle Sam literally jumping out of a poster? Strawberries bleeding on the canvas? Psychedelic shots underwater that makes you believe you're on LSD (hence the song, Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds)? Wow. The choreography was very entertaining, too - especially the part where Max was being drafted into the army. It would have been a dream to act in a musical such as this.

Sure, some parts of the story may appear to look strained for a particular Beatles song to fit in, but so what? It's one's love for both music and movies that will make you appreciate this. I highly commend the producers for this very bold move to come up with something different as this. I may have high praises for this musical only because I don't know the real deal about the Beatles - but as they always say, ignorance is bliss.

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