Sunday, March 30, 2008

Praise and worship

There's so much to be said about singing beautiful praise songs with a room full of people who are equally adamant in expressing their faith. Talk about goosebumps in your arms and butterflies in your stomach. I'm not the type to make a hard sell about my faith (although incidentally the SE14 weekend is just around the corner but that's a different story), but cultivating it with things I do with and for the apostolate, everyday just seems to be a big gift just waiting to be opened - that's why it's called the present!

Before writing my thesis proposal and the SE14 Harana script, I prayed that I be given focus to work for hours on end, guidance to act on the proper inspiration and translate the right thoughts into words. Worship songs were played over and over in the background as I worked in front of the computer, ignoring the fast ticking of the clock and all the other distractions around. And true enough, I finished, with enough time left even. And as I skimmed my masterpieces, I can't help but think, "Did I actually write this?" It was I that just typed it, but it all came from Him. And those words of exaltation sung over and over just never seem to be enough for the rest of the wonderful things that He has done for me even without my prodding. How overwhelming is that?

I can firmly attest how things have gotten much easier to accomplish if I lift it up to Him first. What's there to lose anyway if you do?

Thursday, March 27, 2008

These are a few of my favorite things...

Aaah... once again I can blog to my heart's content. Chichi's reading my proposal and I submitted the script draft a little past midnight. So far it's just my street jazz dance class tonight that I'm waiting for. Other than that, I have this day all to myself. I don't really get to sleep in even if I don't have work, so those moments are much coveted.

It was too hot to go home from La Salle yesterday so I opted to kill some time at MOA. Had a hard time deciding where to eat even if namumutla na ata ako sa gutom nun. It was around 130pm when I finally settled in Stars and Stripes for some breakfast food :) I think it was one of the better decisions I've made this week, because it's a regular craving that I rarely get to satisfy (Fastfood places should offer their breakfast meals the whole day, you know, I just know it's going to sell more).

Oh boy, was it a skillet full of my favorite things! Scrambled eggs with cheese and peppers, hash browns, sausages and large strips of crunchy bacon! Wow. I should have taken a picture of it but thought about it too late. I think it was pretty obvious to the waiters that I fully enjoyed that meal. At Php220 a pop, it wasn't so bad, it'll be another 48 years before I'll have it again (spacing is the key for maximum enjoyment).

I was still feeling good afterwards, so I decided to buy a new swimsuit. Hahaha! I know, after that big meal :)) Nainggit kasi ako, Fara bought a tankini at M&S, so I bought myself one someplace else. I felt I was enjoying too much that I decided to go home before I burn more money but grabbed some Roti Mum buns before heading home.

When the dog barks
When the bee stings
When I'm feeling sad
I simply remember my favorite things
And then I don't feel so bad!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Hot off the grill!!!

With only less than 5 hours of sleep last night (or rather this morning), I mustered the energy to get up and add the finishing touches to my thesis proposal to be submitted to Chichi today. Was it just divine intervention that Chichi said she'll be free pa 12nn onwards? Surely gave me a bit more time to settle everything. I was worried a few hours ago because my instrumentation looked obviously plucked from nowhere just to have something a bit relevant added for chapter 2. My eyes still feel as heavy as when I woke up but I had enough sense to tweak it a little bit to make it more presentable. After a big mug of coffee, I find that it's not so bad! :) And the 49 pages has just rolled off from the smoking printer (yes, there was a bit of smoke promise!)

There's a bit more to fix, but I can live with it until the next submission. For now, it's the harana script that I need to fix, which needs to be emailed tonight. Waah!

Friday, March 21, 2008

Something different

Tagaytay traffic was pretty terrible at certain times during yesterday and this morning. My parents wanted to do something different (a.k.a. burn some money) so we were whisked off to Tagaytay yesterday morning with overnight bags and no reservations. Would you believe I packed with my things the Handbook to Early Childhood Literacy in the hopes of taking down notes for my proposal? Syempre I didn't even touch it, pinabigat lang yung bag ko...

We were able to do a bit of Bisita Iglesia before reaching Tagaytay past lunchtime. Finally got a big room for the family at Villa Barretto before settling at Piccolo Mondo for some sumptuous Blue Cheese and Walnut Salad, Four Cheese and Arriabata pizza, Osso Buco and the Spinach pasta whose name I forgot. SOOOPER SARAP! A DVD of Il Divo was being played in the background (they look too old for me). Hung out at Starbucks for about an hour before heading off to church. I didn't know there'd be a mass of green leafy-tasting stuff at the bottom of the Green Tea Latte. Not a good idea to scrape it with a stirrer - yuck. Anyway, we attended the Mass of the Last Supper at 5:30 and filled our tummies with several appetizers at Leslie's - we weren't that hungry hahaha! Had a copy of The Secret on my trusty Zen and that's what we watched until we fell asleep. Now that will be a totally different blog post altogether.. watch out for that!

This morning we headed off to Caleruega after an unsatisfying breakfast at Mushroomburger (Good Friday naman, so sacrifice ko na yon). Pics from my DVD handycam and my brother's SE K800 to follow. You'll see who's the better photographer or who has the better camera hehehe. Wasn't able to visit Sonya's (my dad was getting irritable because of the heat and the traffic) and we packed our bags a little over noon to have a meatless lunch at Teriyaki Boy. I had to condition myself that I was full even if I wasn't. Naks seryosohang diet na to! (Pano ba naman, I've been stuffing myself into oblivion since the week started! Sigh.) Can't leave Tagaytay without some tarts from Rowena's! Traffic was a bit bad going to Sta. Rosa but it was all smooth from Paseo all the way home.

Now that I've done my blog ritual, there is no excuse for me not to go back to my thesis proposal again. You'll hear from me again later!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Step Up 2: The Streets

Was tired and wanted to watch something that will not be emotionally draining nor will require me to think too much. I wasn't really into dancing until I joined Neil's dance classes so I don't really follow those dance movies that Hollywood comes up with, until this one.

The verdict? Entertaining, only because I enjoy hiphop dancing. If you loathe hiphop like Bianca (and so many others hehehe) you'll feel you're better off with Meet the Spartans (but for me that's a total waste of money). Robert Hoffman (Chase) is hoooot (reminds me of Chris Klein, only blond) and how on earth did Briana Evigan (Andie) get those flat abs?!

There's not much story to deal with (they say Step Up has more depth and a hotter lead) but my jaw dropped with all those dance moves that I can only perform in my dreams hahaha! During the opening beats of "Low" I felt the urge to stand up and dance to it hahaha! Jenny and the rest of our crew (naks feeling hahaha!) says she felt the same :)

Across the Universe

I only listen to the Beatles when my dad insists to play their CD in the car. Maybe I really needed to see this musical to appreciate the timeless beauty of their songs. I've been downloading the whole soundtrack since last night and have been playing it over and over. I've been bugging my friends to see it. I can't get over it!

I realized how I'm so into musicals! Moulin Rouge became a favorite for the longest time, and the CD soundtrack found a permanent home in my player then. Anyway, I intend to watch Across the Universe a few times more. Not only did it blow me away with the tasteful arrangement of Beatles classics, the intense visuals also left me in awe. Uncle Sam literally jumping out of a poster? Strawberries bleeding on the canvas? Psychedelic shots underwater that makes you believe you're on LSD (hence the song, Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds)? Wow. The choreography was very entertaining, too - especially the part where Max was being drafted into the army. It would have been a dream to act in a musical such as this.

Sure, some parts of the story may appear to look strained for a particular Beatles song to fit in, but so what? It's one's love for both music and movies that will make you appreciate this. I highly commend the producers for this very bold move to come up with something different as this. I may have high praises for this musical only because I don't know the real deal about the Beatles - but as they always say, ignorance is bliss.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Wala lang

Yeah it has been a while since I last posted an entry. I'm sure you missed me! Hahaha. Things has just been crazy for the past weeks with work stuff, and am I glad Moving Up Day's tomorrow! Getting all sentimental will be a totally different story - I'll just post the Bunnies video and tell you all about it then (with tears in my eyes of course).

I feel a little bit irresponsible that I won't be submitting something to Chichi on Saturday. I now recount the hours I wasted pretending to do something productive when all I got to do was increase my risk of carpal tunnel syndrome from chatting and blogging, but I am too much of a procrastinator to do something about it hehehe. I just promised her I'll submit a much better proposal before March 26. Now I don't have an excuse not to make it good, for there's something like two weeks that's just going to be spent here at home (what a recluse!) except when there's dance class (and oh yeah, my date with Fara on Wednesday).

I remember Bianca gave me copies of Juno and Across the Universe, I haven't finished season 1 of Dexter, and Bes keeps bugging me to watch Heavenly Forest (naiyak daw sya, so kung ako manood, matutuyuan na ko ng luha). Hmmm... why do I feel that the vacation will just whizz past without me realizing it? Waaah! If this was the marshmallow test, bagsak na ko. Delayed gratification is the key!

Finished the choreography to Janet Jackson's "Feedback" today. ANG GANDA! Demo? Next time na lang hehehe. You can really count on Neil to blow you away with his moves. I'll video and post it soon. I think we can now compete hahaha! Hoping to be included in Baila's recital on May 31. Kung hindi pa ko pumayat nito, ewan ko na lang!

Next time na yung profound na blog post. Pagod na ko eh...

Sunday, March 9, 2008


I just finished the last three episodes of House MD (season 4, episodes 10-12) and as usual I was blown away by superb scriptwriting, House's deadpan expression, Wilson's exasperation and House's witty banter with Taub and Kutner. The series may be too intellectual for general viewing - I myself could not follow each and every differential - but it's the dripping sarcasm that keeps me coming back for more. House actually reminds me of Bes - and I'm not surprised why he loves the show as well (I'm sure you see the similarity, you narcissist! Hahaha!)

Before that I was able to work on 2 narrative reports and now I'm down to just one. Yay! I don't think I'll be able to stretch it to 3 pages any longer. After all, Ivo just came in last January. And then the following week will be solely devoted to my thesis proposal, so I can hopefully submit something on the 15th. Since there's no family trip for the Holy Week, I might just be able to work on it some more so I can be ready to defend by early term 1 despite the planned beach trips and the SE14 weekend, and yeah the Baila dance recital (eeeep!). Wow, looks like things are going as planned, but I wonder why I'm not exactly thrilled when I've been wishing for this the last few months. Sigh.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

The weight of things that remained unspoken...

... Built up so much it crushed us everyday
(I Won't Go Home Without You)

In less than two hours or so, the lucky ones will be seeing Adam Levine in the flesh. Waaah! Sucks that I can't afford tickets, with my birthday gone past and some summer trips in the works. Sigh. Last Sunday, the officiating Italian priest really had this strong resemblance with Adam that I wasn't really paying attention to the homily (hahaha bad! birthday mass pa naman). Being the loser that I am, I just let their new album play in the background. Hmmm Goodnight Goodnight is not bad at all.... :)

Next week's the last working week. I have become immune to Raffi's song from everyday practice but I'm sure Bianca and I will be bawling like babies when the Bunnies sing it for the last time. PTCs have started, yet I'm barely past the first paragraph for Joaquin's. Haven't really thought about what to write about Jaime and Ivo but I'm sure it will dawn on me during the wee hours of the morning they're needed. Sigh. I still haven't touched on my thesis again and Chichi will be expecting an update on the 15th. Kainis. Summer vacation na kasi eh! Sobrang petiks na.

Take me to the beach...

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Of proposals and chocolate cake

And so here I am, attacking the chocolate cake that Mike gave me last night (dee-lish!), wondering how I'm going to shed off the pounds I gained since yesterday and the potential pounds I'll be packing in in the near future hahaha. I think there's two to three weeks worth of cake and half a case each of SML and Smirnoff Black Ice left (they were just hidden by the freezer door and nobody noticed!) Shoot. Neil and the gang better help me lose my excess baggage right away!

At the onset of 2008, I've been hearing about proposals left and right, it makes me want to pull my hair out... I'm kidding okay?! Hehehe! Of course I'm extremely happy for them, seeing all their pictures and listening to their stories, but I don't think anybody can help not to think about the state of their own love life especially when you're nearing 30 and no prospect is in sight. Kahit indecent proposal nga wala eh! Not that I'll settle for that, sa taas ng standards ko ba naman. Anyway, it's not that it bothers me - I'm actually excited for things to come this year. Sabi nga ni Shep, love is in the air with the number of people getting hitched. I hope I catch that "disease" :) Looking forward to the many things that will unfold before me in the months to come!

For now, I ought to let go of my fork or I might not get any proposals at all!!!